National Park APC Peace Trail – plaque 6 of 7

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Krimmler Tauern – Passhöhe, 2634 m

Sommer 1947: Für die Flüchtlinge war es inzwischen fast Mitternacht, als sie hier ankamen; würden die Carabinieri wegschauen und sie durchlassen? Es lag auch noch der steile Abstieg nach Kasern im Ahrntal vor ihnen. Das einzige Licht waren die Sterne, und auch diese waren nicht immer sichtbar.

Noch gab es keine Gewissheit, ob, wann und wie sie nach Palästina gelangen würden. Aber sie hatten zumindest die Passhöhe erreicht und standen an der Grenze zu Italien, dem Land, in dem sie ein Schiff für ihre Weiterreise zu finden hofften.


Krimml Tauern Pass, 2634 m (8641 ft.)

Summer 1947: By this stage it was approaching midnight and, as the refugees reached this point, they were becoming apprehensive – would the Carabinieri look the other way and allow them to pass? The steep descent to Kasern in the Aurina valley still lay before them with all its perils. Now only starlight remained and even that was intermittent.

It remained for each refugee an open question as to when, how and maybe even if they might arrive in Palestine. But, after all, they had reached the highest point of their trek, next to the Italian border, the country from where they hoped to travel on by ship.

RELIEF  –  הקלה

Passo dei Tauri, 2634 metri di altezza

Estate 1947: quando i profughi arrivarono a questo punto del loro cammino era ormai mezzanotte. I carabinieri li avrebbero fermati o lasciati passare? Li aspettava ancora la ripida discesa verso Casere nella valle Aurina. La sola luce erano le stelle, non sempre erano visibili. Per i profughi ancora il dubbio: sarebbero mai arrivati in Palestina? Ma almeno erano arrivati al punto più alto del loro cammino, vicini al confine con l’Italia, il paese dove speravano di trovare una nave per proseguire il loro viaggio verso la Palestina.

SOLLIEVO  –  הקלה
